The Witch's Circle
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Official Site Rules: Read Before Posting
Last Updated: Tuesday, July 20th, 2022
  Dear members,

We would love to welcome each one of you to our free community. We would also love to thank you for signing up and joining us in the many discussions that will take place here. However, we do have some easy and simple rules that we would like for you to follow so that there are no conflicts that evolve.

1. Respect Everyone:
  • This is absolutely critical. Just because someone’s opinion is different than yours does not give you the right to call them names or otherwise degrade them in any way. This includes but is not limited to flaming, bashing, talking down to, or other similar behavior. Also, please respect gender preferences, calling someone by the wrong gender pronouns is disrespectful and it just hurts peoples’ feelings. If you’re unsure of a person’s gender, feel free to PM them and ask. It is okay to have differences in opinions, so long as such differences are voiced in a respectful manner.
  • Do not "attack" other users. If you have a problem with someone, please message them privately or contact someone on the staff team. 
  • If you disagree with something that someone else has said, please discuss it politely and respectfully. Do not let it spiral to personal insults among other people. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, do not attack people who are sharing only their opinion. An opinion is not a fact. 

2. Cyber Bullying/Discrimination Policy: 
  •  Bullying of any kind will not be tolerated for any reason as it has been shown to have negative impacts on a person’s self-esteem and other emotional indicators. Further discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived race, national origin, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or affiliations, or other such protected class is also covered in this rule. If you are observed violating this rule, you will be temporarily suspended and if violations continue, you will be banned.

3. No Spam: 
  •  Spamming is kinda the same thing as Trolling. If we catch you spamming intentionally then your account will be banned or suspended. This includes posting useless things to increase your rank or watch your post count go sky high. However, there might be certain topics in which this will be allowed just as long as the postings contain valid information and not just spamming a bunch of random letters or words.
  •  Please refrain from double postings. Any double postings may be deleted and your previous post will be edited to combine all double or triple posts into one. If you need to double post, let them be separated within 24 hours or more between posts. Otherwise, please utilize the "edit" button instead. 
  • Do not thread bump! Don’t just reply to your own thread to force it to the top of a specific area as the “last active item”, or to correct a mistake in the original post. Should you wish to make alterations to a post you made choose the “edit” button. The exception to this is in the creativity section, and probably the recipes sections when you have new creative work to add (such as a picture or story)

4. Organization/Posting:
  • Please post your topic in the appropriate area. Topics posted to the wrong area may be moved or locked at our option. If you’re unsure of where to post your content, please PM a staff member.
  • Also, try to keep the titles of your topics short if possible which lets other members know what it's about. For example, don't use the "title" field as a way to describe your topic. If you are having trouble, and you need assistance, explain the issue in the message/reply field, not the title field. Think of a couple of words to describe the problem i.e "Topic issue", Profile Question", etc. If you need any further help, contact somebody on the staff team.
  • When uploading or posting an image, please make sure it does not cover the whole page, in other words, don't make it too big. There are features in the typing area where you can change the dimensions of your images. Also, please make sure they are readable and not blurry. If any of these occur, your images may be either fixed or removed at our option and we will give you a friendly reminder to check your images before posting. 
  • Please do not create multiple posts on the same topic or subject in order to just get attention drawn to it. Have patience.  

5. Content Policy: 
  • Cussing, swearing, cursing, or another abusive language is not allowed anywhere. In addition to the ban on abusive language, please remember to keep all content appropriate for all ages. Appropriate actions will be taken if need be. Please keep in mind that we have various age groups that visit the site, especially young users.
  • If you feel like your post/topic may have graphic details involved, please post a disclaimer near the top of your post. If you have questions about something you want to post but feel like it is too graphic, please contact a staff member.

6. No unapproved advertising: 
  • Advertising any product or service without the permission of the staff is strictly prohibited. Do not advertise anything on this forum if it has not been approved by me or any of the other staff members. If you want to advertise something then PM one of us. Advertising your website in your signature is fine with us as long as you do it in a reasonable way. Another way that is acceptable for advertising is by putting your website in your profile in the website box. Other than this will not be tolerated.
  • Please do not beg users to join your site or buy your products. You may post your website or product in the appropriate section with details about it. Do not bribe or beg. As a tip for gaining members or visitors, explain to everyone why you should join or buy your product. Draw users in. 

7. Cheating and stealing (Be original):
  • Remember all that stuff they taught us in school about plagiarism? Well, it applies here as well. Further stealing creative assets or posts from others including the site itself is covered under this policy. If you suspect violations of this rule please PM staff with evidence. Note that the plagiarism rule applies to contest submissions as well and will be strictly enforced.
  • Cheating will not be allowed. There are many types of cheating such as spamming, posting pointless stuff just so your rank will go up, stealing, attempting to steal other's work and pictures just to win a contest, etc. If it wasn’t your original idea or content, at least give credit where it is due. If you do any of this, you will get banned. If you know someone that is cheating, please PM one of the staff members and we will deal with it immediately. Please provide evidence. As for stealing, do not steal other's work. If you are going to take it, give credit. If you do not give credits to the one that created the work, that is called stealing, otherwise known as plagiarism. This is kinda the same thing as cheating and this will never be tolerated. If you know someone that is doing any of this, please contact us immediately but please make sure you have evidence to show us.

8. Chatbox policies: 
  • All rules that apply to forums also take effect in the chatbox. Please be respectful and do not flood the chat. Additional rules and information can be found in the next post.

9. Usernames:
  • You can not change your username or your color. The only way for you to do that is if you win one of the contests here and choose that as your winning prize from the choices that will be listed. There may be times where you can ask one of us to change your username for you, after giving it some thought, we may allow it. However, passwords and emails can be changed by going into your profile and typing in your new information.
  • Please do not use any personal information as your Username. This goes for your phone number, email, home address, etc. If you have questions, please contact us and we will help you.

10. Signatures and Avatar policy: 
  • The maximum allowable dimensions for signature pictures are 640x360 pixels. Animated GIFs are allowed, however, videos are not allowed at this time due to some users experiencing behaviors where the videos automatically start playing. The maximum allowable dimensions for user avatars are 200x300 pixels. Should you require assistance with avatar or signature dimensions, please contact staff. In addition, we ask that you refrain from using flashing signatures due to the risk of some members being epileptic. 

11. Cite News sources: 
  • If you share news about a specific topic, please cite the source so we will know that the information isn't fake and that you are not making it up.

12. One account, per person, per lifetime: 
  • All users are permitted a maximum of one account. Users found to open multiple accounts will have all accounts permanently deleted. Should you have a special requirement for multiple accounts, please PM staff and we will address it on a case-by-case basis. If another account is needed, please come to us first and we will decide from there. The only time you will be allowed another account, is if you give a good reason as to why you have created this account. If you lose your password, please use the "I forgot my password" link to create a new one. If that isn't possible, then you may create a new account to inform us of the issue, and then we will decide what happens from there and what you wish to do.
  • This also includes you creating multiple accounts in order to reply to your own posts many times. This is not tolerated either and the accounts will be shut down.
  • The age limit here is 13 and up. Please try to act mature. There is a time and a place to be mature and to goof off and play around. Please use the appropriate attitude at the appropriate time and place. 
  • We do not delete member's accounts, however, if you wish to no longer be a member, you may private message an Admin and we can deactivate your account, if you get banned, your account will be deactivated, not deleted.

13. Shipping:
  • Shipping is allowed, however, there will be no ship warring, negative comments around shipping, or the like. This only serves to create drama and we don’t need drama. If someone ships you on the forum they don’t mean it literally; however, if you’re uncomfortable with the shipping incident in question, please contact a member of staff and we will handle it.

14. No Mini-Modding: 
  • In short, don’t claim to be a member of site staff or threaten official actions. If you need to, PM a staff member and they will fix the issue right away. Helping a user with signature or avatar dimensions is acceptable. Oh, and Mini-Modding makes you look like a not-so-nice person in the process.
  • Do not tell members where they can and cannot post in the forums or what they can and cannot do. Let the Moderators and Admins handle that. Please refrain from correcting people's grammar or spelling mistakes. Please keep in mind that some users do not have English as their first language so speaking or spelling may be a bit of a challenge for some of them. Or, some members may have learning difficulties. Please be kind and respectful. 

15. Change is part of life: 
  • We can make amendments, alterations, or deletions to this set of rules at any time with or without notice to you. Please remember to check back here occasionally for updates.

16. Privacy: 
  • Never announce your private information publicly on the forums. Do not share your home address, phone number, login information or anything that could cause you to get hacked or scammed in the future. Do not share anybody else's public information either, especially without their written permission. Respect their privacy, as they should respect yours. 

17. Language:
  • To begin, we are not against other international languages, however, The Witch's Circle is an English speaking environment, therefore, we ask that all our members speak in English. However, if you have trouble, and cannot translate, or speak this language very well or you simply do not wish to translate, please contact an Administrator or Moderator before posting.

➣ Failure to follow the rules may result in actions being placed. Depending on the severity of the situation, the actions may vary. It may include:

  1. A warning may be given. You are allowed up to three warnings before further action is taken.

  2. Your posts or topics being deleted or edited.

  3. Your account is suspended or banned.

  4. May be suspended or banned from various activities or features around the site.

  5. Your account to be reset (posts, etc will be gone)

➣ Once banned, you may not recreate accounts just to stir up trouble again, in the event that happens, all your accounts will be permanently banned, and we will forbid you from making multiple other accounts. 
➣ If everyone follows these given rules, then everyone will have a great time at the Witch's Circle. If any major changes to the rules have been made, then a comment might be made below if it needs to be drawn attention to. Otherwise, we have the right to make changes without any notice to you.
➣ If you see anyone breaking these rules, please use the report button or PM the staff immediately and we will take it from there. Our goal is to make sure everyone feels safe here where their opinions are appreciated and so they feel welcome and wanted. 
➣ If anything seems a bit confusing, please don't hesitate to private message us and we will explain it in more detail.
➣ On a final note, we are not responsible for any action you take because of what you merely discover on our site. You can decide on what is best for you, however, please do not blame us for any negative outcome that generates from your choices. 

- The Administrative Team

Subject to change by the Staff
Best Regards,

WC | Astral | 

Last edited by Astral on Thu Jul 21, 2022 4:46 pm; edited 14 times in total

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Posts : 695
Points : 1281


Last Updated: August 18th, 2020
 Hello members,

The chatbox is located in the navigation bar and is entitled "chat". There chat is available to use for all members of the site! You can also view it by using the new Chatbox feature in the toolbar. Just click on it, it will popup, and just hit "login" and then start chatting. You can have it pop up whenever, it doesn't matter where you are on the site. However, there are a few rules that must be followed. 

1. Respect
  • You can talk about anything you want as long as you be appropriate and respectful. Do not harass or disrespect other users. If this happens, you may have a warning but if it continues, your account might be suspended for a certain amount of time or, banned for a lifetime. It depends on the situation at hand. This also includes threatening members in any way.

2. Do not spam!
  • Spamming examples include: sending the same message or sending multiple messages, one after the other, without giving others time to speak and flooding the chat.
  • Do not send one letter per message, which may lead to making of words or a phrase. For example, If you were wanting to send "Magick", you may send it like this: M(send). A(send). G(send). I(send). C(send). k(send). Don't do that, this leads to flooding the chat without giving other users the time to respond and it can be quite annoying.

3. No arguing.
  • This can also go along with respecting everyone. If a MOD has a reason for banning you or a friend of yours, leave it at that. Do not argue with the MODS. We can explain the cause and the effect of the situation. For example, person A had a warning for harassing a girl in the chatbox but they continue to do it. That is the cause. And then the effect of the situation lead to them being banned. Please don't argue with us.
  • However, in the chatbox, if you are debating something, that is okay. But be nice about it. Don't call others out and call them terrible names. Respect their beliefs as they should respect yours. 

4. Pictures & links.
  • As of right now, pictures are allowed. Although, make sure they are not really big images that will take up the entire space in the chat room. If you cannot edit the picture to be smaller, and that picture is a huge file, then, as of right now, we will accept links as well. If this rule does not get followed, a restriction will be made where no pictures or links are allowed. Please follow this rule carefully. If you have any questions about it, please PM us for assistance. 
  • As a helpful tip, go into a topic as if you were going to reply, and act like you are going to upload an image to that topic, get the link of the image, guess at the dimensions for how big you think would be reasonable and then adjust to your liking as long as it isn't super big or blurry. Then, copy that code into the chatbox and it will show up. 

 5. Swearing.
  • As in the forum, swearing is not allowed in the chat room. This also includes the replacement of a letter with an asterisk (*).  Swearing could lead to arguments or feelings getting hurt. Replace the foul language with better words. Please be mindful that younger ones also visit this site.

If there are any concerns to questions about these rules, feel free to contact us at your convenience.

Depending on the situation, if a rule is broken, the user may either get a warning or a ban for a certain amount of time or for a lifetime.

Likely subjects to edits by the staff

[forent=Courier New]- The Staff Team[/font]

Best regards,


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