The Witch's Circle
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Lesson 4: The Elements

descriptionLesson 4: The Elements EmptyLesson 4: The Elements by Astral

Lesson 4: The Elements Wiccan_five_elements_1
Today you will be learning about the 5 major elements. Yes! I did say 5!
Usually, when you hear or read about the elements, you think about the four elements (earth, fire, water, and air). However, there is a fifth element that you will also be learning about. It is called Spirit, it may also be known as Aether. You will be learning about the main details of each element individually. What they are, what they are used for, and more! Since there is a lot of information for each element, we will be touching on each element individually as a lesson. So, in this lesson, we will just be discussing elemental magik and a little bit about each element. When you leave here and go to the next lessons, you will see that each element has its own topic, so you can read on one at a time. So! Let's get started!

The Elements

As I have mentioned before, the main possible elements are fire, earth, water, and air. However, there is also a fifth element known as Aether, but better known as spirit. This element is the most difficult to describe and explain out of all the elements. The spirit element is known to be the force of all things. It has no location, but yet, we know it is there.

Finding your balance with the elements

One way to learn to control elements is simply by just finding balance within yourself. Doing this has nothing to do with actually making fire move or air flowing. It is about connecting to your emotions. For example, the element of water. Learn to be more understanding and willing to pay attention instead of playing with the ocean or faucets. As for air, instead of playing with the wind, try to learn and grow more. Then, apply what you learned to your everyday life. Another way would be to practice communication and listening. Think before you speak so you don't feel regret. As for fire, instead of playing with matches, learn to control your temper and anger towards others and yourself. Express your artistically or through writing if you need to. It may also help to meditate if you feel like you need to calm down. Sit on a chair or couch (or your happy place) and just breathe, calm down a little bit. As for energies (spirit), trying opening yourself up more to the energies around you. Maybe even opening yourself up to new and more opportunities. If you see something you may enjoy, go after it before time runs out.

I know this had almost nothing to do with the elements but all the elements are connected to our emotions in many ways. The way we live, speak and do things. Balancing your emotions is the first step in learning about elemental control.
This is the basics of all the elements. In the next lesson, you will learn about the water element in much detail start with what the element is, what you can use it for, and all the correspondences.


How about you start off by doing a simple elemental and emotion balancing exercise. Start by sitting in a comfortable area, perhaps a couch or chair. Sit comfortably in any position. Start to breathe slowly in your nose and out your mouth. Do this for a few moments. If it helps, close your eyes and think of anything that makes you happy. Imagine those thoughts filling your head and then imagining your temper or your misunderstandings flow out of your body.(Perhaps make the positive thoughts turn into a white light and the negative thoughts, a red or black light) Doing this can help you calm down if you feel like you are about to get frustrated or lose control of your emotions. Do this as many times as you need to. If anything else, just breathe and close your eyes for as long as you see fit.
If you would like to share your experience with the assignment, please feel free to comment on how you feel before and after you did the small meditation. 

Likely subject to change by the instructor


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