In order to make sure that you understand all the keywords and key information, please look through this review sheet. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us with your questions or anything that you do not fully understand. Spells VS Rituals- Spells are used for a formal type of magik. You are only using "spells" to get a specific need or a specific purpose.
- The energy of the spell is released and will bounce back to activate the spell.
- A ritual is for a longer lasting activity such as a celebration or event. For example, a wedding, birth of a child, or a specific holiday.
- Anybody can make and cast their own spells. Think of it as a "recipe", however, instead of cooking something for your friends or family, you are gathering the materials in order to cast your own spell or perform your own ritual.
Guide to Spellwriting- An altar is an area where you store your supplies for spellcasting and performing rituals. This is totally optional but recommended so your supplies do not get lost and you will have everything in one place.
- Not all spells will require you to go to your altar, and along with that, your altar can be anything or anywhere. Perhaps your kitchen table, your deck outside, your desk, countertop, wherever you see fit for performing spells.
- For writing spells, you must have a purpose, planned materials, word (can be optional), time and the place.
- "What am I trying to accomplish?" That is the phrase you want to be asking yourself before coming up with everything else. Setting a goal is the most important part. Once you know your goal, the rest should be pretty simple aside from the chant if you want one.
- Not all spells must have words or a chant to it. However, if you need more focus or concentration, then adding a repetitive phrase or a chant would be helpful.
- When making the spell stronger, it would help to set a specific time (day, month, hour, moon phase (full moon, new moon, etc), etc) and the place (outside, bedroom, window). Be as specific as you can.
The Materials- Your materials may include herbs, crystals, candles, oils and incense, wand, chalice, pentacle, salt, cauldron, and athame.
- Herbs are usually used for medicine but are great for spellcasting. Dry herbs last the longest but if you can find fresh herbs from your local grocery store, those would be just as powerful, maybe even better.
- Using candles can definitely help you focus, however, try to pick out the candle colors that go well with your intended purpose of the spell. White candles can be used for multipurpose uses. It is even possible to put a scent on them using your own oils in order to make the environment smell nice.
- The energy for oils and incenses are about the same with herbs. They both come from the same source, plants.
- Your wand can be of any shape or color that you would prefer it to be. It doesn't have to match the wands you see in fairytales.
- A chalice is a fancy word for "cup" which represents water.
- A pentacle is another word for "pendant", best representing the Earth.
- A cauldron represents water, just like a chalice does. You may use a bowl or cup in replace of a cauldron.
- In replace of a pentacle, salt can also be used in some cases as it also represents the Earth. It can be used to cleanse your magick objects and get rid of negative energies.
- An Athame is a ritual knife or a dagger which represents fire but never used to cut anything physical.
- Some examples of herbs include Almond, Basil, Ginger, Vervain, and Wormwood.
- Some examples of crystals include Jade, Beryl, Garnet, Turquoise, and Quartz.
Elements- There are five elements in total. Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Spirit.
- You can use various meditations in order to find balance within yourself and using the elements to describe your mood.
The Water Element- The water element represents the connecting of emotions, purification, wisdom, and subconscious.
- The direction of the water element is West and the season is Autumn.
- The energy of the water element is receptive.
- The zodiac signs of the water element include Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
- The planets that are associated with the water element are Saturn and Mercury.
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