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Lesson 1-5 REVIEW

descriptionReviewLesson 1-5 REVIEW by Astral

Lesson Review (1-5)


In order to make sure that you understand all the keywords and key information, please look through this review sheet. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us with your questions or anything that you do not fully understand.

What is an Aura?

  • A subtle body is where all your energy is being stored. Your aura is found within layers which surround the physical body. This is called the Sheathing Area.
  • Auras are energy. Everybody has them but not everyone is willing to view them. Only those who have special psychic powers can automatically start viewing them unless you start training yourself to view them whether you are a psychic or not. 


  • There are seven chakras in total: The root or base, sacral, solar plexus, heart chakra, throat chakra, and the third eye chakra.
  • If there is a blockage with these chakras, the energy may not flow correctly and it may impact our mental and physical way of living. For example, it may impact the way we feel and do things in our everyday lives, in other words, it may impact our motivation to do things maybe because we feel insecure about ourselves, thus closes the chakra that corresponds to that.
  • There are three chakras in matter overall: Muladhara, Savadhisthana, and the Manipura.
  • Muladhara: The chakra of stability, security, and basic needs. It includes the colon, bladder, and vertebrae. We tend to feel safe while this chakra is open.
  • Savadhistahana: our creativity and sexual area. It is located above the pubic bone and below the navel. This chakra is responsible mainly for our creativity of mind and thinking.
  • Manipura: a lustrous gem. Its locations include the navel to the breastbone. This chakra is also our source of personal power.
  • The fourth chakra is known as the Anahata. This chakra is the middle of the seven which unites the upper and lower chakras. This chakra serves as a type of bridge for our emotions, body, and spirit.
  • The other three chakras are known as the chakras of spirit.
  • Vishuddha: Located near your throat. Thus the location, it is responsible for your verbal expressions and communications. This will include the thyroid, neck, parathyroid glands, jaws, mouth, and tongue along with anything else that allows you to communicate. 
  • Anja: Located near the eyebrows. It is known as the "third eye" chakra. This is known as possibly being one of the most important chakras out of the seven.
  • Sahasrara ("thousand petal lotus"): Located at the crown of your head. The chakra of enlightenment and spiritual connection.

Aura Colors & Meaning

  • The shade of each color has a different meaning than the color itself.
  • Red energy can serve as a healthy ego but it can also signify danger in some situations.
  • Orange: good healthy, lot of energy, creative, productive, adventurous, courageous, outgoing in social nature.
  • Yellow: Relates to the spleen and life energy. Color of awakening, inspiration, creativity, playful, optimistic, and easy-going.
  • Green: Relates to the heart and lunges. Color signifies comfortable, healthy color of nature, growth, and balance, perfectionist, love of people, social, and something that can lead to change.
  • Blue: Relates to the throat, thyroid. This color can mean cool, calm, and collective. Caring loving, sensitive, and intuitive.
  • Indigo: Relates to the third eye chakra, visual and pituitary gland. Seeing this color can mean intuitive, sensitive, and deep feeling.
  • Violet: Relates to the crown, pineal gland, and nervous system. The most sensitive and wisest of the other colors. This aura can reveal the psychic powers of attunement within itself. Can be visionary, intuitive, idealistic, futuristic, artistic, and magical.
  • Lavender: Imagination, visionary, etheric, daydreamer.
  • Silver: Color of abundance, both spiritual and physical. Bright silver can reflect plenty of money and or awakening the cosmic mind.
  • Gold: Color of enlightenment and divine protection with potential for health problems.
  • Black: Captures light and consume them. Usually can reflect long-term unforgiveness, and can also lead to health problems. When seeing this color, it usually isn't a good thing.
  • White: Reflects other colors. Often represents new, higher dimensions, transcendent, purity, and truth; angelic qualities.

Chakra Meditation

This lesson was just a meditation exercise, therefore, if you want to practice, or a break from studying, head over to lesson 4 where you can continue to practice the chakra meditations.

Spiritual Hygiene

  • "A set of practices that are concerned with maintaining a clean subtle body to promote and maintain physical health and well-being. Just as dirt accumulates on your skin, energies constantly accumulate on your subtle body in your home. It affects how you feel, what you think, how others perceive you, what effects you have on your surroundings, how much you are in touch with yourself, and how much stress and fear you have in your life."
  • Every day, you attract negative energy without even doing anything. If you do not do something about it, the negativity can stick to your aura, which can really bring you down. Therefore, spiritual hygiene makes sure that your auras and chakras are clean and free of negativity.
  • Those who have psychic abilities may become a target of these negative attacks and should do more meditating and be more aware of their surroundings.
  • *The rest of this lesson includes some grounding exercises and meditation exercises. Please proceed to lesson 5 if you would like to go back to these exercises.

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