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Making your own candles TIPS & TUTORIAL

descriptionMaking your own candles TIPS & TUTORIAL EmptyMaking your own candles TIPS & TUTORIAL by Astral

Candle Making Tutorial and Tips

I am going to be telling you a few tips on making your own candles for your practices, or even just making the house smell good! The materials you can use for this include candle wax, a boiler pot, a heatproof spoon, a thermometer for the candles, candle molds, candles wicks, candle jars, and a wooden dowel.

When picking out your candle wax, there are many different types of wax that you could use for your candles. You can use something that is all-natural like beeswax. It burns longer, however, it can be quite expensive. You can also use paraffin wax which burns quickly. I would be careful about this one since many have said that it gives off certain chemicals and could be harmful while others have said that it is perfectly safe to use. Another wax you could use is soy wax. It is cheap and doesn't burn as long but it holds the scent and it is an all-natural ingredient for making candles. I would do some research on each one and pick which one you think would work the best for your needs.

As a note, wax can be very difficult to clean up after the creation of candles. Therefore, I would try to find something that may be helpful while making candles.

Before you gather your ingredients, find your goal for the candles. The purpose that you are using the candles for, could impact the materials you use with the candles such as the oils and herbs that you intend to use with it. It is also a good idea to do a cleansing spell or ritual over the materials before using them. You never know the energies that they could have picked up while being touched or used by the people before you. A fast way of doing this would be to use an "incense stick". This is usually a tool you see on paranormal television shows in which they light and let the smoke over the area all at once while cleansing it. If you do not have one, you can let the materials rest outside in the sun as the sunlight beams clean your materials since the energy from the sun has great fiery energy that can be used to cleanse or purify the materials.

Now into the directions. Depending on the wax you bought, follow the directions that it instructs on the packets in order to melt it. After doing this, and this part is totally optional, you can pick your scent and colors. When choosing the way you colorize your candles, do not use food colorings or crayon colorings. They either will not blend well or make the wax unable to be used for candle shaping. Some recommendations I found online include colored soy wax chips and liquid candle dye. Either of them will work.

Now, when adding your scent, it is possible, and some would recommend, putting the scent in the jars or mold before you pour in the wax. Doing this will allow the scents to stay strong longer. When picking your scents, many have recommended that you use essential oils since many witches use it for their witchcraft and it is all-natural. However, oils can be quite expensive and it takes a whole lot of drops(possibly 100) to make the candles have a decent scent. Although, scents are also optional like the color is optional.

Adding magic to the process

While the wax is still wet, you can try dropping certain materials or objects into the wax or give it a certain look and help you with your practices. You can try adding herbs, powder, crystals, etc. Make sure the wax is cooled over before you do this. Otherwise, the items may melt or evaporate and sink to the bottom, never to be seen again. If this seems to be happening, I would wait about 10-15 minutes and then try adding your items again. Before, adding in the objects, I would make sure I know how each item may react as you light the candle.

When you are waiting for your candles to melt, a way to help the candle gain power for your intention is to visualize your goal and purpose for the candle. This can also be a way to pass the time since it takes a while for candle wax to melt depending on how much wax you are melting. While stirring the wax, many have said that it helps them to draw symbols in the wax which can represent the purpose of the candle, this can also help increase its power.

While waiting for the candles to harden enough for you to add herbs and other materials in them, you can do some meditating to pass the time. Various other candle makers have said this was useful for passing the time. You could try yoga if that would work better for you.

Another important tip would include the moon phases. Depending on which moon phase that you are making your candle under, can increase the power to its maximum while using the moon's energy for your intended purpose.

I know that this was a lot of information and tips and scattered instructions. Overall, your basic instructions list, as a summary, is as follows:
~Melt the wax depending on the instructions on the packet
~Stir it when needed and add colorings to it.
~Let it cool off a little bit and then add special materials like herbs or crystals if desired.
~Place several drops of the scent into the jar or mold and pour the wax into it, allow it to harden a little bit and then add the wick on top and let it harden overtime. Then you are done!

As a side note, never leave your candle(s) alone and unattended for safety purposes. If you have to, meditate in the kitchen while you can still see the hot pot. Especially if you have kids that may be able to reach the pot, never leave it unattended for those reasons.

I hope you all enjoy your homemade candles!

Best wishes!


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