The Witch's Circle
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Basic Housekeeping Tip

descriptionBasic Housekeeping Tip EmptyBasic Housekeeping Tip by Zotron

I wouldn't be surprised if my mother made up the phrase "A place for everything and everything in its place." I, however, didn't inherit her meticulosity. < Yeah, whatever.
I developed my own "That doesn't belong there." method of knowing when things are getting out of hand. This morning when I noticed on the floor of this small den a knife, a car magazine, a coupon that fell out of the magazine, a pair of shoes that I only wear to mow the yard, ( mowed yesterday), motorcycle boots, a guitar chord, an extension chord, and another stack of car magazines and parts catalogs, I thought "That stuff doesn't belong there." Meaning "That stuff won't be long there." So, in two minutes I picked up everything and put it where it
"be longed".
Now, if I can just get my dishes from the sink to the cabinet...


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