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Lesson 13: The Wiccan Holidays

descriptionLesson 13: The Wiccan Holidays EmptyLesson 13: The Wiccan Holidays by Astral

Here are the holidays and festivals explained in more detail.

Imbolc (February 1 or 2): Imbolc translates to "in the belly", meaning that in the belly is where life begins, as if a child is born in the belly of the mother. Oimelc is another variation or name for Imbolc which means "milk of ewes". Another name would be called St. Brigit's Day. This holiday celebrates re-new or rebirth thus this holiday being between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. The Pagan Goddess of Ireland, named Brigid, is honored during this time in order to represent fertility. Brigid was the goddess of poetry, fertility, hope, medicine, sacred springs, and the forge. Celebrations usually involve the creation of dolls with the material from corn stalks, or creating sun wheels while using the same corn stalk wheat.
As this holiday is celebrated on February 2nd, another event in the United States is also "celebrated" on this day, called GroundHog Day.
Symbolism: Purity, Growth and Re-Newal

Ostara (March 20th-23rd): Also known as Lady Day, this holiday comes form the Goddess Eostre, the mother of the Dawn. According to past traditions, this goddess rises from the Earth. Once she has risen, the Sun God celebrates a sacred marriage with Eostre and in nine months she will become a mother again. On the day of the following full moon, this moon is sacred to the goddess Eostre, this is where we get the word estrogen. And this is where Easter comes in since the symbols for estrogen are the egg and the rabbit. The Ostara celebrations also involved eggs and rabbits along with flowers and chicks (all Easter related things). Easter was then adopted by the Christen region which was then celebrated on the first Sunday after this full moon.
Beltane (April 30th - May 1st): Also known as May Day or Roodmas, this holiday celebrates Summer as it is approaching. Beltane refers to "Bel Fire" or "Fire of Bel" which is in correspondence to the sun God Belinos. This celebration usually includes dancing, it often happens around a tree. Eventually, this dance took place around something called a MayPole which was a tree decorated in ribbons and fancy decorations. People often danced around this as they held onto it. Oftentimes, they would create or name somebody to be the May Queen while they wear a garland crown and this person will also be representing Flora, the fertility goddess.
Litha (June 20th - 22nd): The Litha is a holiday that celebrates the longest day of the year, or, the Summer Solstice. This celebration usually includes dancing, feasting, and bonefires. During this day, rituals would be casted in order to protect oneself from the supernatural entities that come out during the Litha. During this day, supernatural entities come out with full strength with an intent to harm someone. Therefore, protection rituals were casted. It is also common for couples to marry during the time of June, especially on the day of Litha in order to celebrate that holiday.
Lammas (Lughnasadh)(July 31st - August 1st): The Lammas, or Lughnasadh, is the harvest festival when you celebrate the passing of Summer and going into Autumn. There is a story behind how this holiday became what it is today. It is a story between Tailtiu and Lugh. Tailtiu who often prepared the land for plowing, but later died of exhaustion. Her son eventually honored her through a funeral feast which later became known as Lughnasadh. Even though celebrations can be planned to celebrate Tailtiu and honor her, this holiday can also celebrate the ending of Summer and the beginning of Autumn.
Mabon (September 21st - 23rd): This is commonly known as the Autumn (fall) equinox which can usually be celebrated through Thanksgiving.
Samhain (October 31st): This day is normally known as Halloween, But, Wiccans see this day as Samhain. This day is usually used to celebrate our loved ones whom we once lost and are no longer with us, therefore, spells and rituals are usually casted, especially ones that involve divination.
Yule (Dember 20th - 23rd): Yule is the Winter solstice which is usually the coldest day/night of the year, while also being the longest. Yule is one of the most important holidays for Wiccas as it celebrates death and life itself.

Subject to edit by the instructor


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