The Witch's Circle
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Happy New Year

Happy New Year!
★We wish you all the best in upcoming year.

A Powerful Healing Spell

descriptionA Powerful Healing Spell EmptyA Powerful Healing Spell by Astral

This spell is used to help banish and heal you from negative energies.

It is recommended to perform this spell under the night of a new moon, however, that is not mandatory. You can perform the spell whenever you prefer. Whenever you feel like this spell would be the strongest for you.


Rose Petals
Lavender Herb
Motar & Pestle
Lemongrass Herb
Eucalptus Essential Oil
Black Candle
A bath tub
Epsom Salts


1. Combine all your ingredients into your Motar bowl. It is recommended that you mix it while moving in a counter-clockwise rotation since you are attempting to get rid of your negative energies.

2. Run a hot or warm bath and then light a black candle. Pour in the herb and salt mixture that you just created, into the bath. 

As you continue to soak in the tub, surrounded by the herbs and salt mixture, visualize your negative thoughts being melted away and burned by the candle. You can perform it for as long as you need to. And once you feel like you are finished, get out of the tub and drain it. Blow out your candle and bury it in the Earth. You should feel like your negative feelings or thoughts have left and you are much calmer and happier. 

Credits: Marcy's Eco Village Life


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