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Happy New Year

Happy New Year!
★We wish you all the best in upcoming year.

Days of the Week

descriptionDays of the Week EmptyDays of the Week by Astral

Days of the Week

Did you know that each day of the week has a meaning? Did you also know that, depending on what day of the week you were born, could reveal certain aspects or traits about you? It's true. Each day of the week carries its own correspondences and traits including colors, herbs, crystals, planets, and other interesting traits. Of course, you may know that there are seven days in a week, and some people may ask why there are only seven. Well, there are 7 Major planets in Astrology. And each day is associated with a particular planet and a god or goddess.


Monday is known as "the Day of the Moon".
According to some European countries, their calendars may show that Monday is the first of the week. Although, in many other cultures, it is the second day of the week, with Sunday being the first.
When speaking of Holidays, there are 3 that always falls on a Monday. Those are Labor Day, Memorial Day, and Columbus Day. If you want to count a fourth holiday, which also falls on this day, you can count Easter Monday. It isn't exactly a huge holiday but usually, it is a day off work for some people.
Moving forward, people born on Monday may experience mixed emotions at times because of their sensitivity and getting frustrated frequently. These children may also have trouble sleeping and may be dealing with digestive issues at some point in their life. Even though this doesn't sound all too great, those born on Monday also tend to be creative and seek beautiful things as well as also being kind and generous. This day is also for daydreamers, romance, travelers, and mysteries.

Abilities: Major psychic abilities, empathetic qualities, healing magick.
Enchantments: Searching for the moon outside, sit or stand under the moonlight, reach out to the moon's goddess for assistance with any magickal issues, wear something with moonstone or pearls along with wearing any of the moon's associated colors which includes blue, silver or white.
God/Goddess: Patroness Goddess
Astrological Planet: MOON
Key to ignite power: Mystical Water (moon rules over water)


In some places, this day is considered the second day of the week for some calendars, however, it is the third day in the US, Canada, and Japan. If people were born on this day, they are most likely a warrior. They are very self-righteous and can be operated as well as faithful.

Abilities: Offensive spells and channeling specific personalities such as enthusiasm and inspiration.
Enchantments: Finding and wearing fiery-like colors, for example, red, black, orange, and scarlet. Have a bloodstone with you, for example, in your pocket, purse, or just worn as jewelry, take care of or possess fire relating plants such as thistle, holly or snapdragon for protection boosting.
God/Goddess: Mars, God of War
Astrological Planet: MARS
Key to ignite power: Enthusiasm


Wednesday is considered Odin's Day, the god of Wisdom and it is the third day of the week in some cultures. However, in the US, Canada, and Japan, it sis considered the fourth day of the week. This day is also considered the "hump" day since it is the middle of the week.

Those who are born on Wednesday have a powerful mind and tend to be curious and a leader because of their talent for communication. These people are often pleased with their life and often focus on the future instead of the past.

Abilities: Multitasking; able to "cope" with various things at the same time. Great with a telepath, Astral projection
Enchantments: Wearing purple or orange on these days, carry multi-purpose agate, work with fern for protection purposes (may also enhance the powers of other magic-related plants within distance), use lily of the valley to help improve memory, may also use a tarot spell in order to increase creativity and inspiration
God/Goddess: Odin, god of Wisdom
Astrological Planet: MERCURY
Key to ignite power: Curiosity


Thursday is the day of Jupiter and is also offered as the fourth day of the week but in most other countries, it is the fifth instead.
In the UK, all elections take place on Thursday. There is also a holiday called "Maundy Thursday" also known as "Sheer Thursday" in the UK. It is known that this day is the day of cleaning and handing out "Maundy" money.
In the USA, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November.

Those who are born on Thursday have good intentions and try their best to include others in their lives and activities. They are very loyal and a fantastic listener, but also responsible and can be serious when need to be. These people are very obedient and well-behaved.
Abilities: Finding ways to succeed, good luck spells, success spells
Enchantments: Wear regal and royal shades of blue, or purple and green. Have turquoise stone with you either in your pocket, purse, or as jewelry for protection and healing.
God/Goddess: Thor, God of Thunder
Astrological Planet: JUPITER
Key to ignite power: Optimism


Friday is the day of Venus and is the fifth day of the week in some cultures, but the sixth in others. Of course, this depends on what you consider your first day of the week (Sunday or Monday).
Friday the 13th is usually considered to be an "unlucky" day since it has an association with the number 13 which is also known to be unlucky. This event usually happens one to three times a year.

For Christians, Good Friday is the Friday before Easter which is associated with the crucifixion of Jesus.
Friday is also a peace day for Muslims in Islam.
Those who are born on Friday are kind-hearted and often try to bring harmony to everyone else. They can also be very generous, honest, and great listeners.

Abilities: Enchant almost anything, have artistic skills and bring peace, beauty, and harmony.
Enchantments: Wear anything with pink and aqua. possess a rose quartz with you for some loving vibes, using love tarot spell charms or flower magic, burning rose-scented candles.
God/Goddess: Freja, Goddess of Love and Beauty; however this day is also sacred to Eros, Venus, Aphrodite, and Norse goddesses.
Astrological Planet: VENUS
Key to ignite power: Satisfaction


This is the day of Saturn (the planet of Witches), and in some cultures, Saturday is the sixth day of the week, while other countries have this day as their last day of the week for those who use Sunday as their first.

Elections in Australia and New Zealand, normally on Saturdays, are usually held on this day. In Israel, Saturdays are the days on which government office buildings and most businesses, even some public transportation systems, are closed.
Those who are born on this day are hardworking and very strong and are said to hold super strong abilities. These people are very patient and professional.

Abilities: Perceive evil influences
Enchantments: Wear black and deep purple on these days, burn black candles (for negativity) or purple candles (for an increase of wisdom and spirituality), work with a pansy (in black or purple), or you can work with the morning glory. You should carry Obsidian or the hematite with you either in your purse, pocket, or even as jewelry for protection. These would also be great to use when doing your candle spells.
God/Goddess: Kronos, the god of time
Astrological Planet: SATURN
Key to ignite power: Honesty


Sunday is the first day of the week for almost all countries in North and South America. Some countries, such as Europe, consider this day to be the last of the week.
Sunday, for the United States, is the day most government buildings and offices are closed. But it is also a day for most professional sports events to be scheduled in the US as well.

People born on Sundays are known to be lucky, generous, optimistic, and ambitious and have a great imagination. Those who were born on this day also tend to work toward their own personal goals/achievements whether it be at their house or at their career.
Abilities: Cast any spells as long as a candle is required.
Enchantments: Sitting outside under the Sun itself, wearing anything gold, or yellow, whether it is clothing or jewelry in order to chanel the Sun's energy, working with sunflowers or marigold flowers,
God/Goddess: Apollo, god of the Sun
Astrological Planet: SUN
Key to ignite power: Faith

Subject to edits by the instructors


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