The Witch's Circle
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Good day spell

descriptionGood day spell EmptyGood day spell by Astral


Allow yourself to have a good day


Your voice


You can do this anywhere you like, on the go or sitting down. First, you rub your hands together for as long as you like and briefly feel the energy that radiates from them in cupped hands. Bring those cupped hands to your lips and whisper/say/shout into them;

I wish for a good day, I wish for a good day, Please grant it Queen of Fae, Please give me a good day.

Sometimes before a lesson I hate, I change day to lessen. So you can change the wording any way you like, I know it doesn't make much sense. It works well for me though. After whispering that into your hands open your hands and imagine glowing balls of energy floating to the sky; your message. Hopefully, this spell will work as well for you as it does for me!


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