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Making a Lucky Charm

descriptionMaking a Lucky Charm EmptyMaking a Lucky Charm by StarDragon

Carrying an object that you infuse with positive energy can help uplift your spirits in times of distress. You can use crystals, charms, stones or anything that you feel a personal connection to. Whenever you need an extra boost of energy, motivation or luck you can hold the object in your hands and feel the energy you put in it enter you helping boost your positivity. Here's how to create a lucky charm that you can carry with you for luck:

Draw a triangle on a sheet of paper and place your lucky charm in the middle. The top point of the triangle is your goal and the bottom two points of the triangle represent yourself on the left point and your path on the right point. Now pick up your lucky charm and hold it in your hand. Bring to mind happy moments in your life and as you hold the lucky charm in your hand, imagine the energy of the happy thoughts flow into the lucky charm. You can say "I am filling my lucky charm with positive energy. The positive thoughts in my mind are infusing my lucky charm with happiness, creativity, and abundance. I store the positivity in my lucky charm and carry it with me for luck." Now place your lucky charm in the middle of the triangle and say "The energies of positivity in the lucky charm are spreading to all aspects of my life giving me clarity for my path and moving me closer to my goals." Carry the lucky charm whenever you need inspiration and encouragement when going for your goals. Good luck and blessed be!


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