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Lesson 1: Spells vs. Rituals

descriptionLesson 1: Spells vs. Rituals EmptyLesson 1: Spells vs. Rituals by Astral

Welcome to Witchcraft Year I!

Lesson 1: Spells vs. Rituals Latest?cb=20150916211457
In this lesson, we will be telling you a little bit about spells and rituals, the difference between them. A spell and a ritual is not the same thing. If you are talking about a spell and you use the word "ritual", you are not talking about the same thing.

Spell VS Ritual?

A spell is used for a formal kind of magik. You are usually casting "spells" for a specific purpose or a need. For example, let's say you want to cast a spell on someone to protect them from harm. Maybe yourself or a very close friend. Maybe they are taking a plane and you want them to come back safely, so, you cast a protection spell on them to ensure that they do return. The energy of the spell is released and will bounce back to activate the purpose of the spell.

On the other hand, a ritual is based on a more long-lasting activity. Like when celebrating a special holiday or event, maybe to celebrate the birth of a child, or to mourn for a loved one's passing. If you want to think of it this way, another word for a ritual would be a "ceremony".

Writing Your Own Spells

I know what some of you are thinking. "How can I write my own spells? It seems hard. I won't be able to write spells that work". Well, to tell you the truth, anybody can write their own spells and get it to work. It isn't hard unless you make it hard. Don't stress yourself over it. Since this topic will become very details, there will be a guide for how to make good spells on your own, in the next lesson. Right now, I am just going to explain it a little bit in a brief summary.

Think of spells as similar to a "recipe". You find what you want to make or do, grab the ingredients, and then commence with the procedure.

Although, spells can require concentration and focus depending on what you are trying to do. If you are a beginner, and you have never made a spell before or you are just starting out practicing magik, don't worry. We will guide you through every step of the way. Plus, it can be scary and a bit frustrating the first time. They don't say "practice makes perfect" just for nothing. So, don't fret if your created spell doesn't work or if your first spell casting doesn't work right away. 

Likely subject to edits by the instructor


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