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Lesson 2: Guide to Spell Writing

descriptionLesson 2: Guide to Spell Writing EmptyLesson 2: Guide to Spell Writing by Astral

Writing Spells Guide!

Lesson 2: Guide to Spell Writing Book-of-spells-01
In this lesson, we will give you a detailed explanation of everything you need to do when writing and casting your own spells. Let's start with your altar. 

What is an altar?

This is not exactly "required" when casting spells but most witches, Wiccans, and pagans use this as their own area to cast spells. Not all spells will have you sit at your altar. Although, most rituals will have you go to your sacred place and perform it. Now, an altar is your own area where you store your magikal supplies, cast spells, and perform rituals. Again, this is totally optional and not necessary for performing magik. However, it will have you with your concentration and focus on your spell casting.

Now, where you should set up your altar is completely up to you. I would recommend a flat surface like a table or a countertop in the kitchen, as long as you have plenty of room where you can relax and focus on your energy throughout the ritual. Where you have it is totally up to you and how you like to perform your magik. For example, if you are someone who needs quietness, then maybe your room or in the back of the house on a table or on a desk with drawers. If you are someone who prefers to have action going on, maybe outside. If you work better in the kitchen regardless of the noise, then the countertop or the kitchen table. Again, wherever you want it to be, that is your altar. You can change this altar at any time you see fit. Just make it yours.

Now, what goes in your altar is also up to you depending on the materials you use or possibly will use in the future. For example, maybe a pentagon, cauldron, wand, goblet, a ritual knife, a broom, candles, of course, salt, bells, crystals. You can even put your spellbook (book of shadows) in there if you want to keep it hidden and so you will always know where it is. What you keep in your altar is and should reflect your own way of doing witchcraft. If you don't use knives or cauldron, then don't add that to the list of items to store in there. Make it your own unique altar.

Writing Spells

Now that you have your altar, if you decide to have one, now you can start casting spells or create your own spells and I will give you some tips on how to write your own spells.

If you can refer back to the last lesson, I used the word "recipe" to show similarity in creating your own spells. It can be as easy as creating your own recipe if you are good in the kitchen and you know what you are doing and if you know the ingredients and how to use them and for what purpose. With creating spells, it can be just as easy. If you are a beginner, it might be a bit challenging since you are just learning about spells. I would suggest you try to practice a couple of spells and learn a bit more about them first to familiarize yourself with spellcasting.

Your purpose

Like all spells, you must have a purpose for writing your spell. You should think to yourself, "what am I trying to accomplish?" For example, let's say you are trying to make it rain outside. That would be the purpose, to make it rain, a least a little bit. Long enough to water your flowers.

Your Materials

After you know what your purpose is, you need to get your materials together. I would suggest you write out the list of materials you will need, for examples, herbs, crystals or stones, candles, a wand, pentacle, or whatever else you need. Let's just not forget your book of shadows. During another lesson, we will go over a list of the materials you could ever need and we will explain what each of them is and what they can be used for.

The Words

Now, remember this, not all spells have to include words or chants. They do help you focus and concentrate on your spell at hand but they don't necessarily need words to complete a spell. This can be a bit tough if you aren't that creative. But, everyone is creative in their own way. If you just can't find the words for the spell, then just keep it on a simple level. Don't write a couple of pages of words to say. Keep it a few lines short. If you want to make it sound cool, make the spell rhyme. If you need a bit of guidance, go to our book of shadows section and see some examples over there. A short example:

Star of love, burn so bright
Aid me in my spell tonight
Unite my true love to me
As I will it, so mote it be
Once you get the words flowing to fit your purpose, the rest is really simple.

The Time

This will help you make the spell stronger if you set a specific time and day of the week or month and the specific moon phase for the month. For example, maybe you want the spell to be done on a Thursday while it is a full moon out and the spell casting is done at midnight. Full moons usually make the spell stronger as you begin to cast it.  You do not really need to specify the time, place, or phase of the moon. If you can't seem to find a good time for this part, then just skip it and move to the last step. This is totally optional.

After you are done with that step, you are now ready to put it all together and cast your spell. This part could be the second hardest thing to do, especially if you have words for your spell. It is recommended that you do not read the words right of your paper unless you can put in a lot of energy while doing it. You have to focus on what you are saying and what you are trying to do while using any of the materials that you listed a little bit ago. So, if you need to, learn the spell before you cast it. If you need to take a peek at the next step of your spell, you can, but make sure you are still focused and that you maintain concentration throughout the whole thing. If you break concentration, the spell might fail. Just because you made a spell, doesn't mean it doesn't work. Again, practice makes perfect. Keep trying until you have successfully cast the spell

Likely subject to edit by the instructor


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