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Astral Projection, States of Consciousness, and Conscious Evolution

descriptionAstral Projection, States of Consciousness, and Conscious Evolution EmptyAstral Projection, States of Consciousness, and Conscious Evolution by StarDragon

Consciousness is the mental perception of the world and awareness of surroundings. The world is made up of energy, and each person has a consciousness in them. Consciousness is the mental energy that allows people to create their perception of the world. When people fall asleep, their consciousness shifts towards their third eye or the space between their eyebrows. This is because without light simulating the eyes to create an image, the brain isn't able to process the image and you see a black screen in front of your vision. Since your brain cannot process the image, it shifts the attention to your third eye where your psychic vision lies. Your psychic awareness is energy and the mind is energy. So when your eyes are closed and the brain isn't receiving signals to process an image, your mind comes in and helps you make sense of the awareness you see.

Meanwhile, the brain is still there helping keep your body alive. If something alarming happens while your eyes are closed and you are using the energy of your mind to look at the world, your brain speeds up your breathing and heart rate which causes you to immediately open your eyes and look at your surroundings for danger. This is why when your mind leaves your body and you dream when you sleep, you don't have to worry about being in danger because upon awareness of danger your brain will immediately alert your mind to return to the body and you will wake up and open your eyes and start moving your physical body. Your brain rests in sleep and helps you store memories and resting your brain in sleep helps improve your mental health. During sleep, your mind (energy) leaves your body and this allows your body to relax and fall asleep. Your brain is the physical part of your body that helps regulate daily functions such as breathing, eating, walking and making decisions.

Meanwhile, your mind is energy that helps you have conscious awareness when you sleep therefore causing you to have dreams. When a person falls asleep, the body relaxes and the conscious awareness is shifted from the brain to the mind. Since the mind is made of energy, it can travel through memories from different times in your life even though your physical body cannot travel back or forwards in time. Since the mind can travel and bring memories as you sleep, you are traveling through different dimensions. This is the basis of astral projection. When you astral project, your mind leaves your physical body and based on your thoughts which are energy they can create your reality on the astral plane dimension. You experience astral projecting each night when you fall asleep and as you dream. Since your brain is relaxing and your body preparing for sleep, your conscious awareness shifts to your mind which is energy.

As your consciousness shifts towards your mind, the awareness of your physical body becomes less and less as you drift to sleep. When you finally fall asleep, your body is relaxed and your awareness has shifted to the mind which allows you to think about things in your life that manifest as dreams while your body relaxes. You are essentially out of your body when you fall asleep. Your brain is relaxing because it is dark outside and your physical eyes cannot see well for the brain to process what you are seeing, so your awareness shifts to your mind’s awareness or psychic vision that allows you to experience the energetic thoughts that are hidden within you and manifest in your dreams. Your dreams often represent the inner aspect of yourself, what you yearn for or what is troubling you in life, pay attention to your dreams because they may give guidance into life. When you enter the dream state and are in a deep slumber, you are effectively in an astral projection and the astral realm that you experience is the mental images of the dreams that the thoughts of your mind show you. In essence, astral projection is when your awareness shifts from your physical body controlled by your brain to the energetic body of your mind and astral travel is when you are dreaming and your mind brings memories or images of things to create a reality in a dimension called the astral plane. When the brain relaxes and the body prepares for sleep, consciousness is shifted to the mind and upon sleep the mind’s energy leaves the physical body and the physical body relaxes until the mind returns from the dream states. The mind and the brain work together to help maintain the health of the physical body. The brain helps regulate the physical functions such as eating and breathing for the physical body, while the mind is the energy that gives the physical body life. The mind’s energy can be thought of as a soul that helps the physical body survive. Without the mind’s energy, the physical body would not be able to survive.

When a person astral projects the mind’s energy leaves the physical body and goes into an energetic body known as an astral body that is connected by a silver cord. The mind can return to the physical body as long as the silver cord is intact. When a person is living and in good health, the silver cord pulsates with a vibrant light of energy. If a person falls ill, the silver cord connecting the astral body and physical body may be less vibrant. The silver cord that connects the astral body to the physical body cannot be cut maliciously because when you are astral projecting part of your awareness stays behind in your brain so at the slightest hint of danger such as a loud noise, you will be back in your physical body and awake thinking with your brain. The silver cord is made of energy and represents the link of the mind’s astral body to the brain’s physical body. When a person dies, the silver cord is severed and the mind’s astral body separates from the physical body. The physical body dies without the life-force sustaining it and the mind’s astral body goes to different planes to experience reincarnation and learn lessons to evolve the soul until it reaches nirvana/ enlightenment when the person has reached the highest energetic vibration and spiritual growth they can and then the mind’s astral soul body becomes part of the universe and reincarnation has ended.

*Next lesson will cover more about astral projection and dream states as well as conscious astral projection vs. involuntary/unconscious astral projection (occurs when sleeping).

** Post subjected to edits and addition of more information by instructors


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