The Witch's Circle
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Happy New Year

Happy New Year!
★We wish you all the best in upcoming year.

Forum Updates - 2023

descriptionForum Updates - 2023 EmptyForum Updates - 2023 by Astral

January Updates!!!

January 9th, 2023

  • For our first update of the year, some changes have been made to the User Center. A new and better look is underway and several links have been added to the page including every link from the sections and categories, not including the topics of course! This can make it easier and quicker to find the section or category you are looking for without having to go through all the sections in order to find a category you want.
  • A link to this page has also been added to a couple other places around the site. You can now access it by going to you profile, or you can access it by clicking on the sidebar Forum Updates - 2023 Screen45.

January 10th, 2023

  • I have decided to make a new topic for updates every year. This way, we can always look back at the previous updates from other years. So, this is now a topic for all updates that will be posted in 2023!!! The old/previous topics will be moved to the "The Haunted Catacombs", where all the other old and "not needed" topics will be going.
  • I have added a new NEWS feature. It is the icon at the bottom right of the screen with a question mark (for now). When there is new information or something to celebrate, that icon will pop up and stay there for at least a week (or longer if needed), and when clicked, a box will pop up with the information or anything that needs to be said. Then to close it, just click the red button that should say something similar to "Thank you" or some other expression depending on what has been said in the pop-up box!
  • Another interesting feature that has been added: TAGS. Above every topic, there will be a place where you will see the word "TAGS" and after that will be a few tags relating to the topic title. If you would like to see similar topics, just click on a tag. Any other topic with that word included in the topic, will pop up and you can explore other topics that you like!

We hope you enjoy these new exciting features! If you witness any bugs, feel free to let me know and I will get them fixed! Thank you for being a member with us and we hope to give you more exciting features in the future!

bounce Rose

January 11th, 2023

  • Throwing another update at you all! The Team Member list (which is accessible through my signature and through the footer at the bottom of the site) has been upgraded with a new design! The Covens will be getting updated over the next day or so with a new look and/or Coven/group options for everyone! So stay tuned!
  • Also, as a small side note, the Navigation guide is also being updated with more and new information for newcomers to look to when they dont know something about a particular part of the site.

January 14th, 2023

  • Our FAQ page has been redesigned with a better and cleaner and more organized look! Over the next few days I will be adding more to it, going through the responses and make sure they are detailed enough. making sure the questions are answered fully. Hope you all like the new design with many more updates in the future!

January 18th, 2023

  • We have a new feature added to the Notifications List today! It is a "Delete All Notifications" button. Once clicked, it will automatically refresh the page and all notifications will be cleared. Hope you enjoy this new improvement!

    Forum Updates - 2023 Screen49

January 28th, 2023

  • Today we bring you another cool update being tested. In the notifications in the toolbar, when you get notified of a private message or post being posted on a topic that you watch, etc the time will now appear when that action was taken.

    Forum Updates - 2023 Screenshot-2023-01-28-8-06-47-AM

    Hope you all enjoy this little update!

Best regard,

Last edited by Astral on Mon Oct 02, 2023 4:26 pm; edited 6 times in total


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descriptionForum Updates - 2023 EmptyRe: Forum Updates - 2023 by Astral

May 31st, 2023

Hello everyone! It has been quite a while since we had an update and since I was really active on the site. I did take a break to focus on life itself. But, I have decided to take the day, come back and do some updating. So, here are some updates that were rolled out!

  • The site went under a remodel and I have changed the look completely. I am currently squashing some bugs Wink and fixing some small things here and there while doing some more redesigning!
  • A few months ago, there was a feature release involving a new "follow" button. This button can be found on the profile of any user, excluding yourself of course. When you follow a user, you will get updates on what they post or what topics they respond to. It is a pretty neat feature!

Hope you all enjoy these updates as more comes out within time! Thank you all for your patience. Very Happy
As a sidenote, when the updates are officially complete, I will be posting more lessons in the Witch's Academy for all!

Hope you all have a blessed day! Spin Dance


Posts : 686
Points : 1260

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descriptionForum Updates - 2023 EmptyRe: Forum Updates - 2023 by Astral

October 2nd, 2023

We haven't had an update post in quite a while. I figured I would do some updating and post about what has been going on.

  • First off, I decided to combine "update posts" that are within the same month. For example, in this topic, all the January posts were combined into the same post. I will do this at the end of each month, or during the month sometime (or try to anyways Laughing). This way you will still get notifications for it and it will look more clean and organized.
  • I have also been doing some cleaning up around the site and changing the way the site looks and feels. Giving it a more cleaner and fresh look and easier to read and access. Many of the pages will get updated and the information will as well.

Thank you for being part of the community! We hope you enjoy the changes that will come!
Hope you all have a great day! Heart


Posts : 686
Points : 1260

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descriptionForum Updates - 2023 EmptyRe: Forum Updates - 2023 by Astral

November 30th, 2023

Here are some important notes to keep in mind for the upcoming weeks:

  • We are trying out a new Dark/Light feature. it is located on the home screen of the site next to the important links listed at the top of the page. It may be moved in the future. However, this feature is in Beta mode at the moment as I am working on fixing anything not converted into dark mode for easier viewing on the eyes. Please be patient as I finish setting it up and running tests with it.
  • I have been going through each section of the site making the site look more cleaner and easier to navigate, which, of course, will also take some time.

If there is anything I may have missed, mainly with the dark mode, feel free to mention it to me directly, or open a topic about it and list anything that has not been converted and I will fix it as soon as possible. Thank you!

Hope you have a great week!


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